"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" -- Anatole France

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Pink Panther.gif  Short On Luck (S.O.L.)

Short On Luck (S.O.L.)

Short On Luck


...is an emergency foster program for needy cats.

...working in cooperation with community rescue groups and Animal Services Departments.


will purr for food

A new phase of the Short on Luck Program was launched in February of 2004. The Safe Place component of the S. O. L. is being developed to provide a temporarily safe place for cats that are caught up in a domestic violence situation and/or at risk of violence from their environment. The concept is to provide a temporary sanctuary through a network of emergency foster homes.

We hope to work cooperatively with local law enforcement, Animal Services and battered women's organizations. If you would like to participate in this new and unique program, please contact us via our website or at (925) 808-8364. For more informaiton on current S.O.L. kitties, please visit our website at www.fffcatfriends.org.

If you would like to provide T.L.C. and shelter for a needy cat...



FFF at (925) 808-8364 or [email protected]


Our Featured S.O.L. Cats!

It started with a sad looking cat on a stormy night…


NICOLAUS (named as he was found a few days before Christmas) was first seen on a wintery, stormy night. After seeing him alone at night for multiple days, it seemed as if he was abandoned or at the very least, an indoor/outdoor cat that was lost. In desperate need for food and shelter on these cold nights, one of our fosters was able to get him.

In an attempt to find his owner, flyers were set up across town. With no one claiming him after a few months, we decided to have him neutered and vaccinated with FVRCP, dewormed and put on flea control since it was unsure how long he had been outside.

However, he is ready for a special home where he can be dominant or be only cat . He is talkative and would make a loyal kitty for the right home that can accommodate his dominance and need for safe enclosed territory to call his own.Best to have access to catio, safe, enclosed outdoor territory.


If you would like to provide T.L.C. and shelter for a needy cat, or dog ...
Contact: Sally - (925) 808-8364 or [email protected]


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