"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" -- Anatole France

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New Beginnings New Beginnings

Petunia Says Petunia Says...

New Beginnings

We, at FFF, strive to connect our "formerly friendless critters" with responsible, loving and caring homes. When someone adopts one of our "formerly friendless animals", it brings us great joy. In celebration of those who have found loving and forever homes, we would like to share their stories of their "New Beginnings".


It was not part of the plan…


JESSIE was one of 7 kittens rescued from a horrible Los Angeles County "Shelter". The entire litter, dubbed the Breaking Bad Bunch, came to us debilitated and ill. It was touch and go for Jessie, who was facing possible euthanasia. But thanks to a compassionate and dedicated foster Mom and family, he pulled through and is thriving today! He stole their hearts and ended up being made a permanent, beloved member of the foster family - both people and critters!


FFF wishes Jessie a long and happy life with his new fur-ever home. They will always be a member of our FFF extended family.


If you are ready to provide a NEW BEGINNING to a needy animal, please take a moment and look though our Adoptable Critters.

We hope that the stories from our Adoptees will inspire you to open your home and heart and become a "Friend of the Formerly Friendless"!

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