"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" -- Anatole France

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F.F.F. Programs & Services

Have Cat, Will Travel

Driving Cat

On The Road

FRIENDS OF THE FORMERLY FRIENDLESS Embarked upon a new and unique part of its Mobile Adoptions Program (M.A.P.) ... HAVE CAT WILL TRAVEL *.

This unique program expands the opportunities for adopters to meet and get acquainted with cats/kittens that they see on our websites and/or adoption site(s) in the privacy of their own homes. Since most of us these days live increasingly mobile lives, it made sense for FFF to become more mobile to provide opportunities to meet and get to know our "formerly friendless felines". What better place than in the prospective home where they might live!

This unique opportunity gives FFF and the prospective adopter the benefit of seeing the potential new, furry, family member in their "home environment".


Beginning May 17, 2010, FFF began making appointments for this new service. People would make these appointments by contacting FFF at (925) 808-8364 or via [email protected]. A prior interview is required to mutually select the best match for the living situation, client's preferences and prospective cat/kittens' personality and needs. FFF will then bring up to two cats/kittens for selection and a "home visit" to the prospective home. Then a kitty "trial sleepover" is usually scheduled for 5-7 days, after which it will be determined by the client & FFF to proceed with adoption or to make another selection. All FFF cats/kittens are spayed/neutered, current on their vaccines and have been combo tested. All FFF cats/kittens on "trial sleepovers" will need to be kept inside ONLY for safety purposes. For the health of all, resident cats in the prospective homes will need to be current on vaccinations and tested also prior to the "trial sleepover".

We look forward to meeting you and helping you find that new, furry, feline family member(s) that melts your heart!

Hope to meet you soon,


Short On Luck (S.O.L.)

Short On Luck


...is an emergency foster program for needy cats.

...working in cooperation with community rescue groups and Animal Services Departments.


will purr for food

A new phase of the Short on Luck Program was launched in February of 2004. The Safe Place component of the S. O. L. is being developed to provide a temporarily safe place for cats that are caught up in a domestic violence situation and/or at risk of violence from their environment. The concept is to provide a temporary sanctuary through a network of emergency foster homes.

We hope to work cooperatively with local law enforcement, Animal Services and battered women's organizations. If you would like to participate in this new and unique program, please contact us via our website or at (925) 808-8364. For more informaiton on current S.O.L. kitties, please visit our website at www.fffcatfriends.org.

If you would like to provide T.L.C. and shelter for a needy cat...


Contact FFF at:

(925) 808-8364 or [email protected]


Our Featured S.O.L. Cats!

It started with a frantic phone call …


These kittens were rescued from a horrible, high-kill shelter in San Bernardino. FFF was lucky enough to find a wonderful, caring foster home for these kittens until they could be transported to the FFF Sanctuary and then to various fosters. Since the original foster’s favorite TV program was “Breaking Bad,” in a bit of whimsy, she named the kittens after the major characters from that program.

Jane in sink

Jane in the sink.

JANE (aka GI JANE) is the single female in the bunch. She is developed as quite the acrobat and climber. Jane is the first to fearlessly explore her environment. She is loving but independent. She can wrestle with her rough-and-tumble brothers yet be gentle and loving on your lap. We think Jane would be perfect for an active household with friendly people and pets. Possibly learn to adapt to a friendly, nonaggressive dog. We prefer that she be adopted by one of her brothers; however, perhaps a home with a friendly, playful cat might be possible.

Upon completion of FFF medical protocols, including spaying, she will be posted on our adoption page.
We prefer that she be adopted with one of her siblings.



GUSTAVO was the last kittens to adapt to his new sanctuary environment. However, in the short period he has been with us, he has become increasingly friendly and affectionate. Gustavo loves to wrestle with Heisenberg and his sister Jane. He is not as adventurous as Jane or as active as Heisenberg. He is more reticent about new surroundings.

Upon completion of FFF medical protocols, including spaying, she will be posted on our adoption page.
We prefer that he be adopted with one of his siblings.

Oliver, lounging around

HEISENBERG is Walter's twin brother (who was adopted by his foster). While very similar in appearance, their personalities are slightly different. Heisenberg is an independent but cautious kitten. He takes measures of the person before he becomes friendly. Once he accepts you, he can be affectionate and seek your attention. He is more independent than his brother Walter, and Heisenberg often wrestles with his brothers and Jane. We think he would be a good match with a home that allows his independence but encourages lots of affection. We prefer that he be adopted with one of his siblings, but depending on the home's circumstances and his present age, a similar cat might be an option.

Upon completion of FFF medical protocols, including spaying, she will be posted on our adoption page.
We prefer that he be adopted with one of his siblings.


If you would like to provide T.L.C. and shelter for a needy cat, or dog ...
Contact: Sally - (925) 808-8364 or [email protected]


Visitor(s) In Fur

Sally and Petunia

Sally, founder of F.F.F., with her cat, Petunia.

Petunia helps with humane education in schools and serves as a therapy kitty in the Visitor(s) In Fur Program

Petunia is also an official staff member, holding the title of cat liaison.

Update ... FFF is currently evaluating two promissing kittens to carry on Petunia's legacy of visitations.

It is with great sadness and disbeleif that we announce the passing of our beloved PETUNIA, ... our muse and our heart and my life companion. Our Visitors in Fur Program will have a MORATORIUM in loving memory of Petunia.


As any animal lover can attest to, the unconditional love that an animal can give provides a unique type of therapy and support that "modern medicine" is only just now learning. At its inception, F.F.F. has been committed to helping provide this type of unique therapy and support to those in need via our "therapy cat", Petunia. Petunia has been visiting home and hospital students, Alzheimer's homes, nursing homes, schools and preschools, FREE of charge as part of F.F.F.'s commitment to Community Service since the inception of F.F.F. in 2001.

If you know someone or a facility that could benefit from

a "Visitor(s) in Fur", please contact us. We usually conduct a preliminary visit to plan for the best possible introduction experience. Our "visitor(s) in fur" are current on their vaccines, have been combo tested for feline AIDS and Leukemia, temperament tested, and have current flea control. They are not declawed.

Appointments for Petunia's visits can be booked through our VISITOR(S) IN FUR Program by contacting SALLY via phone at (925) 808-8364 OR email [email protected], type in VISITOR(S) IN FUR in the subject line. Please make sure that you leave a contact person's name and phone number.

F.F.F. is continuing to expand this Program by inducting more "visitor(s) in fur" ambassadors. We have at least one other "cat in training" that was rescued from euthanasia from a "high kill" Shelter. You can meet our "ambassadors in training" periodically at our new mobile sites, to be listed on our websites.


Beloved Petunia, Cat Liason, Emeritus 11/29/2017.


Sally and Petunia

Lost and Found

lost cat


Please check our
Lost and Found
page here.



... F. I. P.

The worst three letters a cat-lover could ever hear.


FRIENDS OF THE FORMERLY FRIENDLESS is proud and excited to be a founding member of the new S.O.C.K. FIP research project. S.O.C. K. is the acronym for Save Our Cats and Kittens.SOCKFIP is a group of cat-lovers, breeders, rescuers, shelters and vets working together to generate essential funding for FIP research at the UC Davis Center for Companion Animal Health. Virtually 100% fatal, FIP strikes 1 in 100 of all cats. We know that most cats acquire the FIP virus early in life, though actual disease signs may not occur until weeks, months or even years later.

Right now, there's no prevention and no cure for FIP. It's time to change all that - and it can be done! Through the very exciting and promising work at UC Davis, we hope to learn how to prevent FIP or find suitable treatments, and spare future generations of cats and cat-lovers this nightmare. Because very little government funding is available for companion animal studies, we are relying on the vast community of cat-lovers to help.


After devoting a half century of his life to studying feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a deadly feline coronavirus, Dr. Niels Pedersen now finds himself in the unusual position of responding to media inquiries about SARS-CoV-2, the human coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

The drug he discovered to be highly effective in curing FIP, known as GS-441524, turns out to be a close antiviral cousin of remdesivir—the first drug found to speed people’s recovery from COVID-19 in clinical trials.

“While coronaviruses are found in most animal species, they don’t attract a lot of attention unless they are particularly virulent or deadly,” said Professor Emeritus Pedersen. “This COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to the parallels between human and veterinary medicine that hopefully will help the public LEADING VETERINARY MEDICINE, ADDRESSING SOCIETAL NEEDS understand the critical connections between human and animal health.”

Pedersen has a soft spot for cats after growing up with them on his family’s poultry farm. When he came to UC Davis in the 1960s, FIP was still a mysterious disease with an unknown cause that killed the majority of infected cats. Over the decades, he and other scientists discovered the feline coronavirus behind FIP but finding a vaccine or an effective treatment proved difficult. That’s where Pedersen poured his research endeavors—finding a cure for FIP.

Dr. Brian Murphy joined the UC Davis faculty in 2007 and after Pedersen semi-retired in 2010, took over the feline coronavirus program. Murphy was first author on the groundbreaking 2018 article in Veterinary Microbiology showing GS-441524 had been successful in curing all 10 FIP-infected cats in a small study. A follow-up field trial of 31 cats had a high success rate as well.

The study results seemed to herald the breakthrough that Pedersen had been seeking for decades. But for desperate pet owners seeking a cure, obtaining this new drug would prove elusive. Gilead, the biopharmaceutical company that developed GS-441524, withheld the rights for its use in animals because it might interfere with FDA approval for a prodrug form called remdesivir. The hope is that remdesivir will be approved by the FDA for general use in human viral diseases like COVID-19, thus paving the way for approval and legal use of GS-441524 for animals by veterinarians.

Read the full article here
published by
The Center of Companion Animal Health.



Meet Merrideth ...
Our FIP Heroine!

MEREDITH is one of the FIP kitties that was cured from wet FIP and Dr, Neils Pederson's landmark study that discovered a viral treatment\cure for FIP! Dr. Pederson, "The Father of FIP Research" approved the adoption of all the kitties used in his landmark study. FFF's founder, Sally, was honored to be approved to adopt Meredith. Meredith has now become our FACE OF FIP SUCCESS.


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